Physician's Assistant:

What is a Physician Assistant's in Las Palmas clinic? physician's assistant (PA's) in Las Palmas has been trained in a intensive education program, accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician's Assistant (ARC-PA). Upon graduation from a certified PA program, PAs take national certification medical education in order to maintain national certification. Our internal credentialing process ensures that every Physician's Assistant is prepared, board certified, and has the professional qualification and competence to serve our patients.

Physician Oversight:

By law the Georgia State Board of Medical Examinations revised on Sept 2007 States; supervision means overseeing the activities of, and accepting the responsibility for, the medical services rendered by Physician's Assistant. The supervising physician need not be physically present at the time of the services but shall be immediately available by telecommunications and within reasonable travel distance to assume personnel care. For surgery requiring general or neuroaxial and / or major regional block, the supervising physician must be present in the operation facility. Teams of practicing physicians collaborate with our Physician's Assistant and provide consultation when necessary.